
Jeans for Genes Day Grant

Jeans for Genes Day Banner

As you know in June we found out that we were eligible for a grant from this year’s Jeans for Genes day. Receipt of the full grant would be subject to Jeans for Genes meeting their overall fundraising target on the day. So we are delighted to let you know that we have been awarded the full amount of £5000!

This money will be used to fund our Family Conference which be held during the Summer next year.  It is already shaping up to be an amazing event and we will be doing an announcement with more details soon.

We are very grateful to Genetic Disorders UK and their Jeans for Genes Day team for this support.  Also a big thank you to all those who supported them on Sept 23rd.

  • More information on the Jeans for Genes Day grant programme is available at
  • Jeans for Genes Day raises money for Genetic Disorders UK, a charity that provides much needed advice and support for individuals and families affected by genetic disorders.
  • Jeans for Genes Day is an annual fundraising event, this year it will be held on Friday 23rd September. School children and office workers are encouraged to wear their jeans for the day in exchange for donation.
  • Genetic disorders are caused by an alteration in DNA. This may mean that either a gene or several genes are missing, repeated or in the wrong order. Altered genes can affect a child’s senses, movement, ability to learn or appearance.

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