
10 Reasons to go to our Family Conference

We could list way more than 10 reasons why you should join us in Liverpool this August. But, this list will get you started.

10. Be inspired or be inspiring.

YE Oct_12

9. Meet the Ring20 Research and Support charity’s trustees.


8. Share and compare stories with others.


7. Take part in our workshops and learn some useful tips on dealing with this rare condition.


6. Unique opportunity to meet 6 (yes 6) medical experts all with extensive Ring20 knowledge.

  • Prof Nancy B. Spinner (US) – Geneticist
  • Laura Conlin (US) – Geneticist
  • Maria P. Canevini (Italy) – Paediatric Neurologist
  • Prof Sameer Zuberi (UK) – Paediatric Neurologist
  • Dr Archana Desurkar (UK) – Paediatric Neurologist
  • Dr Sophia Varadkar (UK) – Paediatric Neurologist

5. Hear from individuals directly affected by rare disease.

Dale Ward

4. Meet other families who live with Ring20 too.


3. Get to know others who have the same syndrome.

Rachel Taylor (16yrs)

2. It’s a great way to connect with old and new friends.


and the number one reason to go to Family Conference is…. (drumroll)

1. It will be the highlight of your summer!

kids group

If you want to join us for a great weekend you can purchase your tickets here:


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