
Rare Revolution Autumn Issue

The bumper Rare Science edition of Rare Revolution magazine is now live and includes a special article on our r(20)conference.

Use the link below to read your copy online:

Rare revolution: Rare Science & Tech – Autumn 2017 edition 

(see pages 62-65 for the article on our r(20) families conference, including a feature on our Young Ambassador breakout session written by Emma Ninnis ESN)

A gallery of our young people’s dream sheets will be made available on our website shortly…

Rare Revolution is a free subscription magazine with free content, published quarterly. To subscribe for free and read up on all the latest news on rare disease and lots of useful information for families and individuals living with a rare disease visit

rare revolution autumn 17

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Using genomic sequencing techniques is a new way of looking at r(20) that hasn't been done before...