Ring Chromosome 20 was first described as a syndrome in 1972, so not that long ago. Find our more about the history of r(20) syndrome
FISH (Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization) is a special test that can detect and locate specific chromosome regions such as a piece of DNA missing or in the wrong place.
Want to know how a ring chromosome can be diagnosed? In this slideshow we explain the testing techniques that can be used to identify a ring chromosome. We will also briefly introduce you to what your test result might look like…
We have learnt about the 23 pairs of chromosomes, but what is a ring chromosome?. Watch this short video to find out more...
There are some things that we DO KNOW about Ring chromosome 20 Syndrome (r(20) syndrome), but there’re lots more that we DON’T YET KNOW.
"Chromosome analysis came into practice in 1959, with the first demonstration that an abnormality of our chromosomes can cause a human disease." Chromosome analysis is required to diagnose a ring chromosome. Watch this short video to find out more...