
Help us spread the word!

As you know this Charity is all about supporting and raising awareness for those with the very rare R(20) diagnosis. We have been delighted with the line up of experts and speakers who have agreed to join us at our first ever Family Conference this year.  With lots of families from around the world having already purchased their tickets we know this is going to be a fantastic weekend.  In light of this opportunity and future ones we have a request to put to you, our members.   When you next visit your neurologist or epilepsy specialist we would be grateful if you would take along this event flyer (in the link below), for them to pass along to any other R(20) patient they may have in their care.

Ring20 letter invite

We recognise that not everyone who has been diagnosed with this condition may know of this Charity and hope that by doctors and nurses passing on this invitation they have the chance to join us this summer or at least be made aware that we exist.  As you know having the chance to chat with others in the same situation is a wonderful thing.

As always we are very grateful for your continued support.

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Latest News and Research

Read the documents from our latest AGM
NEW!! We are excited to present two new information leaflets, one for parent/carers and one specifically for healthcare professionals: