
Cambridge International Rare Disease Summit 2016

Don and Allison attended the Cambridge International Rare Disease Summit 2016 on 25th October 2016. Progam for the day centred around:

  • What can Cambridge contribute to global efforts in rare disease research?
  • Who’s leading the way in collaborative, innovative research, treatment and care for those with rare diseases?
  • How can we put patients and their families at the centre of all discussions?

We heard from those leading the way in rare diseases at the Cambridge International Rare Disease Summit 2016.

Following the sell-out success of its first summit in 2015, the Cambridge Rare Disease Network once again brought international leaders and local experts together in Cambridge to bridge the gap between research, industry, business and patient groups.

Anchored by powerful patient voices, this one-day conference explored:

  • international rare disease innovations
  • new rare disease initiatives on the horizon
  • innovations in health
  • engaging and collaborating with pharma.

A wide delegate base, representing academia, healthcare, industry, business, patients support groups and more allowed delegates to explore potential collaborations and gain a broader understanding of opportunities in rare diseases.

Read our blog here.

Allison Watson - Secretary & Co-Founder

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