
Arjune Sen (UK)

Medical Advisor

I am Consultant Neurologist at the John Radcliffe Hospital and Associate Professor at University of Oxford. My interest in epilepsy began in the summer of my first year at Medical School during which I worked with Professor Simon Shorvon and, essentially, that initiated all that has followed. Having finished clinical school and basic medical training in Birmingham, Oxford and London, I completed a PhD at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery with full personal funding from the Medical Research Council and The Guarnators of Brain. The thesis examined the molecular basis of neuronal loss in focal epilepsy and garnered several publications and prizes. After Registrar training in London, I then travelled to Sydney on an Epilepsy Fellowship before starting in Oxford in 2012 I am Head of the Oxford Epilepsy Research Group, a diverse collective that works in most areas of epileptology. My personal interests include autoimmune epilepsy, clinical epileptology and epilepsy genetics. I also work on the intersection between epilepsy and dementia and am increasingly involved in the care of people with epilepsy in low to middle income countries. I led Oxford to be part of EpiCARE, the European Reference Network for Rare and Complex Epilepsies and was elected to Council of the ILAE British Chapter in 2018. I am delighted to have been appointed to the Medical Advisory Board of Ring Chromosome 20 and very much look forward to helping progress management in this and other rare genetic epilepsies.
Arjune Sen

Meet the team at Ring20

Medical Advisors at Ring20


Antonio Gil-Nagel (Spain)

Chief Medical Advisor (SAB Chair)

Rhys Thomas

Rhys Thomas (UK)

Ring20 Deputy Medical Advisor


Kentaro Tokumoto (Japan)


Yushi Inoue

Yushi Inoue (Japan)

Epileptologist and psychiatrist

Ken Myers

Ken Myers (Canada)

Paediatric neurologist clinician-scientist and assistant professor

Ramki Rajagopalan

Ramakrishnan (Ramki) Rajagopalan (USA)

Lead Research Bioinformaticist

Nancy Spinner

Nancy Spinner (USA)

Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

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Alexander Rotenberg (USA)

Professor of Neurology


Lieven Lagae (Belgium)

Professor Paediatric Neurology

Angela Peron

Angela Peron (Italy)

Associate professor of Medical Genetics

Prof Maria Canevini

Maria Paola Canevini (Italy)

Director of the Neurology


Simona Balestrini (Italy/UK)

Associate Professor of Child Neurology

Phil Tittensor

Phil Tittensor (UK)

Consultant Nurse

Sarah Tittensor

Sarah Tittensor (UK)

Learning disability nurse


Ailsa McLellan (UK)

Consultant Paediatric Neurologist

Archana - updated pls use

Archana Desurkar (UK)

Medical Advisor

Arjune Sen

Arjune Sen (UK)

Medical Advisor

Meet the Ring20 Trustees


Tim Buckinx (Patient Representative)


Dale Ward3

Dale Ward (Patient Representative)



Kim Parks (Treasurer)



Lydia Hirst (Chair)
