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Våre pasientinformasjons-tegneserier er nå tilgjengelige!

We’re very proud to present to you our r(20) patient information booklets, comic style, created by families, for families.

This is the culmination of over a year of hard work and we hope that you like the finished articles?

Every Ring20 member family has been sent 3x copies of each comic:

  • 1x for you as a family
  • 1x for your consultant
  • 1x for your school/medical team/carers (or whoever you wish to share with)

Plus, every Ring20 healthcare professional on our mailing list has also received their own personal copy of each booklet.

If you haven’t received you booklets please contact us so we can rectify this for you asap. Or, if you’d like additional copies to share with other appropriate parties to spread the knowledge and awareness of what living with r(20) is like, then additional copies can be purchased for a small donation to cover costs. Simply contact [email protected] for more information.

Thanks go to our patient families for participating in our Youth Workshops to produce the final publications and to Dekko comics for some wonderful production.


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